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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenThis article discusses the in vitro DNA cloning method, also known as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It explores the different steps involved in PCR and its advantages and disadvantages.
In vivo is the opposite of in vitro - work performed in a whole living organism.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a standard method used to amplify the DNA fragments of interest in an automated process.
Some of the main applications of PCR include amplifying DNA for forensic tests. For example, Covid-19 tests, research, paternity tests, gene editing and many more.
The PCR process requires specific substrates and conditions:
The DNA fragments, primers, nucleotides, and Taq DNA polymerase are added to a tube then placed into the thermocycler.
The PCR process involves three steps that are repeated in many cycles. These steps are:
Fig. 1 - The three steps involved in polymerase chain reaction (PCR): denaturation, annealing, and elongation
At the end of each cycle, the number of DNA fragments doubles in size. For example, at the end of the first cycle, there would be two copies of the original fragment, and at the end of the second cycle, the number of copies would be four.
The process is repeated in many cycles to amplify the number of DNA fragment copies to the desired amount. This amount may depend on the type of application for which the DNA fragments will be used.
Below is the formula used for calculating the number of DNA molecules after multiple cycles of PCR.
n is the number of PCR cycles.
There are advantages and disadvantages to using the PCR cloning method.
Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of PCR cloning.
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Very rapid and has high throughput – can be used to produce millions of DNA copies in a few hours. | It cannot produce mRNA or proteins instead of in vivo systems. Disadvantages |
PCR only replicates the DNA of interest (the target gene), so there is no need to isolate the desired DNA fragment from the host DNA or other contaminants. | |
It does not require any living systems. This lowers the costs, time, and technical skills needed for using PCR relative to the in vivo process. | It works best with only small DNA fragments. |
It can be used to create double-stranded DNA molecules from single DNA strands. This is particularly useful when creating DNA fragments using the reverse transcriptase enzyme. |
Genetic engineering has many applications and benefits. It also comes with some risks and ethical implications, which we need to consider. Here are some of the benefits and risks of recombinant DNA technology:
Table 2. Benefits and risks of genetic engineering.
Benefits | Risks |
Bacteria may be genetically engineered to generate a variety of compounds such as antibiotics, hormones, and enzymes used to treat illnesses and disorders. | Antibiotic resistance marker genes are often introduced to genetically engineered bacteria to identify successfully transformed recombinant cells. These bacteria can potentially transfer their antibiotic resistance genes to dangerous pathogenic microbes. |
Genetically modified crops can also be made tolerant against pesticides and herbicides. This increases the cultivation yield and hence reduces the price of food. | |
Certain genetic illnesses, such as cystic fibrosis (CF) and severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), may be cured by replacing faulty genes. This treatment is called gene therapy. | Uncertainty of what long-term consequences gene editing and introducing new genetic material into nature can have on the ecosystem, both on a micro and macro level. |
Microorganisms can be utilized to reduce pollution. They can be modified to break down and digest oil slicks to remove toxic gases emitted by companies. | The ability to manipulate and exchange faulty genes brings on ethical questions on where the line should be drawn. Treating cystic fibrosis by gene editing is acceptable, but what about changing one’s features, such as eye colour, muscle tone or intelligence? |
Transgenic crops can resist environmental extremes, such as drought, cold, heat, salt, or contaminated soils. This allows crops to be cultivated economically in areas where they do not naturally grow. |
Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR) is a method that relies on allele-specific primers used to effectively analyse single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP).
Allele-specific PCR differs from standard PCR in that primers are specifically designed to target the area of difference between some alleles, such that a set of primers only amplify specifically one allele only and not others.
Automated DNA sequencing methods require large quantities of DNA. This is achieved by first amplifying the DNA samples using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a common method used to amplify the DNA fragments of interest in an automated process. Some of the main applications of PCR include amplifying DNA for forensic tests, Covid-19 test, research, gene editing and many more.
What does PCR mean?
polymerase chain reaction
What does PCR do?
It makes copies of a specific DNA fragment outside of living systems (in vitro).
What is the main enzyme used in PCR?
Taq DNA polymerase
Why is Taq DNA polymerase best suited for PCR?
Taq DNA polymerase works best at relatively high temperatures such as 72C. This allows for faster replication of DNA.
What are primers?
Primers are fragments composed of 18-30 nucleotides that are complement the beginnings of each of the two DNA strands at either end.
What do primers do?
Primers bind to the beginnings of the two DNA strands and allow the recruitment of Taq polymerase.
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