Risk factors are one of the key concepts within epidemiology, the study of the distribution and determinants of diseases and health-related events or states. Risk factors and causes form the 'determinants' part of epidemiology. Diseases and health issues stem from a complex interplay of several different factors. A risk factor is any one of these variables which correlates to an increased risk of a disease or health condition occurring.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenRisk factors are one of the key concepts within epidemiology, the study of the distribution and determinants of diseases and health-related events or states. Risk factors and causes form the 'determinants' part of epidemiology. Diseases and health issues stem from a complex interplay of several different factors. A risk factor is any one of these variables which correlates to an increased risk of a disease or health condition occurring.
Risk Factors are any variables that correlate to an increased risk of a disease, other health-related event, or state occurring. Risk factors can relate to lifestyle choices, your environment or other uncontrolled characteristics.
Some risk factors may be controlled by individuals, and others may not. There are four important non-controllable risk factors that cannot be determined by us. These are our:
Any risk factor that does not fit into these categories can be controlled. Some examples of these are chemical exposure, diet, exercise level and BMI.
BMI - Body mass index is a value with the units kg/m2, derived from a person's weight in kg and height in metres. It is used to categorise people into underweight, normal weight, overweight, moderately obese and severely obese and very severely obese. It is, however, a flawed measurement as it operates solely based on mass and height, meaning it may give flawed results in cases such as unusually short individuals or those with high muscle mass.
Fig. 1 - The four uncontrollable risk factors, age, gender, race and family history
Fig. 2 - Examples of each of the six categories of risk factors
Risk factors may be split into six different categories, which are shown below, with some examples of each attached:
When discussing risk factors, and any concept in science in general, we must be careful with how we use words like correlation and causation. Causation means that one thing directly causes another. An example of this would be saying that smoking causes lung cancer. This is incorrect, as many people smoke for decades and never develop lung cancer. This means that smoking is not a direct cause of lung cancer, but it's a hugely significant and big risk factor!
Fig. 3 - A simple illustration of the difference between correlation and causation
Correlation - A link between the values of one or more variables, without a change in one necessarily being the cause of changes in others.
Causation - A change in one variable causes a change in another.
Unless two variables have undergone empirical testing to confirm that a change in one causes a change in the other, while all other variables are controlled, we cannot confidently say that one thing causes another. Due to the complex nature of human health conditions and the ethical concerns of experimenting on humans, this causal nature is often incredibly hard to establish!
As such, we generally say that two things are correlated or display correlation. This means that there is some kind of link between two variables. However, one change does not necessarily cause a change in the other. We have to differentiate between causation and correlation because there are usually other factors at play that affect our health. There is very rarely only one cause for a particular disease. As we will discuss further in the article, lifestyle factors, genetic components, and environmental factors usually contribute to the development of a disease.
It's important to recognise, however, that some correlations are more than well established. For example, the adverse effects of smoking and alcohol on unborn babies and organ (liver and brain) function are undisputed.
Generally, when one discusses risk factors of diabetes, they will be referring to type 2 diabetes as this is the kind of diabetes that is acquired, unlike type 1 diabetes which stems from an autoimmune attack on the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.
Diabetes is a severe and prevalent disease. Learn more about the two types of this disease by reading our article Diabetes and check out the risk factors for each type in a brief overview below!
The risk factors for type one diabetes are not as well known as type two diabetes. However, some of the known factors are family history and age.
Unlike type one diabetes, the risk factors for type two diabetes are much more well known. These include prediabetes, obesity, age, family history, low activity, and race. Many of these risk factors can be changed with lifestyle changes, meaning that a healthier lifestyle can significantly decrease, but not eradicate, due to the non-causal nature of risk factors, the chance of someone developing type two diabetes!
Heart disease, more properly termed cardiovascular disease (CVD), is the catch-all term for conditions which impact the heart and or blood vessels. This includes coronary heart disease, angina, hypertension, stroke and many others. Due to the large number of issues which come under the umbrella of CVD, there are a great many risk factors that increase the chance of developing any of the conditions described. These include but are not limited to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, smoking and physical inactivity.
Coronary Heart Disease is one of the most known cardiovascular diseases and is often the precursor for other CVDs. Read more about it in our article on Coronary Heart Disease!
Cancer is a complex disease with many subtypes. The formation of cancer, termed carcinogenesis, is a complex process resulting from the breakdown of many systems.
Fig. 4 - An illustration of the multiple mutations needed for cancer to occur
The multi-hit hypothesis of cancer development states that several hits or mutations of genes are needed for cancer to form. Each of these mutations on its own generally would either be repaired or cause the cell to enter apoptosis.
Specific genes which can promote cell growth usually are active to a minimal degree. These genes are termed proto-oncogenes. If a mutation causes these genes' heightened activity, they are then called oncogenes.
An example of a critical tumour suppressor gene which is often inactivated is the p53 gene. This gene encodes a protein that activates DNA repair, halts the cell cycle to allow for repair, and triggers apoptosis if DNA damage cannot be repaired. Without this protein, the likelihood of a cell becoming cancerous increases significantly.
The risk factors for cancer are numerous, including age, family history, smoking, obesity, alcohol, viral infections, radiation exposure and exposure to chemicals such as carcinogens and mutagens.
As outlined above, there are multiple cancer risk factors. Mutagens, carcinogens and ionising radiation are all further examples of elements that can disrupt our genes and contribute to over proliferative cancerous cells from developing. Read more about the disease of our times in our Cancer article.!
A risk factor is a variable associated with an increased likelihood of a disease or health related event or state occurring.
Risk factors are correlations, not causes. We say risk factors are correlations, not causes, as it is generally difficult to empirically link a change in a variable to a change in a disease.
Cancer, CVD and diabetes all have their own risk factors, many of which overlap. These include genetic predisposition, age, obesity, low physical activity, ethnicity/race, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, drinking, viral infection, radiation, carcinogen exposure and mutagen exposure.
A risk factor is a variable that correlates with an increased likelihood of a disease, or health state/event occurring.
The risk factors for type 2 diabetes are:
The six types of risk factors are:
The four uncontrollable risk factors are:
You can control any risk factor other than:
What is epidemiology?
The study of the distribution of determinants and distribution of diseases and health related events/states.
What is a risk factor?
A risk factor is any variable which correlates to an increased risk of a disease or health condition occuring.
What are the non-controllable risk factors?
What are some key examples of controllable risk factors?
What are the six different categories of risk factors?
What is the correct definition of correlation?
A link between changes in two or more variables, without one necessarily being due to a change in another.
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