Humans reproduce sexually through intercourse between biological parents, but what are the structures, processes and physiological reactions that allow this to be possible? Let’s find out more about the human reproductive system.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenHumans reproduce sexually through intercourse between biological parents, but what are the structures, processes and physiological reactions that allow this to be possible? Let’s find out more about the human reproductive system.
While the following structures of the female reproductive system serve different purposes, together, they contribute to the creation and maintenance of an egg:
Fig. 1 - Structure of the female reproductive system
Oogenesis is the process that produces egg cells.
It occurs in the outer layers of the ovaries. Fig. 2 provides an overview of oogenesis.
Fig. 2 - The process of oogenesis
Remember that a diploid cell has two sets of chromosomes with two chromatids each. While chromatids are twins (they contain the same genetic information), paired chromosomes will code for the same traits but might have different alleles for those traits. If you need a refresher, check our article on Mitosis.
Polar bodies are also haploid cells but are generally unable to be fertilised. It usually dies by apoptosis.
While the following structures of the male reproductive system serve different purposes, together, they contribute to the creation and storage of sperm:
Fig. 3 - Structure of the male reproductive system
Fig. 4 - The process of spermatogenesis
Spermatogenesis is the process that produces sperm. It occurs in the testes, the male gonads.
Sexual reproduction involves various stages and human fertilization is one of those steps.
Fig. 5 - Acrosome reaction
Human fertilisation is the fusion of the nuclei of a sperm cell and an egg cell, forming a zygote, or fertilised egg.
The newly formed zygote undergoes cleavage; this is a process of division by mitosis without the interphase step of the cell cycle. It divides several times to form a ball of cells called a blastocyst. This blastocyst implants itself into the lining of the uterus, where it can absorb nutrients from the mother and start the development of the foetus.
The ovaries are the female gonads where egg cells are produced.
The testes are the male gonads where sperm cells are produced.
Oogenesis is the process of egg production.
Spermatogenesis is the process of sperm production.
Fertilisation is the fusion of the sperm and egg nuclei to create a zygote
Sexual reproduction creates genetic diversity within a species. Genetic diversity is essential for the continuation of life, as it protects species from disease and changes in environments, as well as allowing for animals to adapt and evolve over time.
Compared to asexual reproduction, sexual production is more time consuming – it takes time (and energy) to find a mate. Also, sexual reproduction is not always successful as some mates can be infertile. Another disadvantage is that fewer offspring are produced on average, when compared to asexual reproduction, which can produce an offspring whenever required.
During ejaculation, sperm from the male is transferred into the female. The sperm cells then make their way to reach the egg cell in order to fertilise it.
Sexual reproduction leads to genetic variation through mutations, crossing-over and independent assortment.
Humans naturally reproduce via sexual reproduction, meaning that when a male ejaculates into a female, sperm cells travel up the vaginal canal, through the cervix, into the uterus. An egg descends from the one of the ovaries and meets the sperm cell. They then fuse, fertilising the egg and creating a zygote, which then grows within the woman until birth. The alternative is In-Vitro Fertilisation, or IVF, where the egg cells are removed from the woman. The egg is then incubated with the male's sperm cells to allow fertilisation to take place. If this does not occur, the sperm cell can be injected into the egg in a process known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The eggs are then incubated to confirm fertilisation, before being implanted into the mother.
What is the uterus?
A muscular, pear-shaped organ, becomes known as the womb during pregnancy.
What process creates gametes?
What process forms sperm cells
The acrosome reaction does what?
Creates a tunnel into the zona pellucida to allow sperm cells to reach the membrane, by using enzymes to digest the outer layers of the egg.
What reaction occurs after fertilisation of the egg cell?
The cortical reaction
What occurs during the cortical reaction?
Calcium ions released by nuclear fusion stimulates the release of cortical granules into the zona pellucida. These harden the zona pellucida and remove binding proteins, preventing further sperm entry.
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