The purpose of the eye in the human body is to focus light into the retina. The retina is the area at the back of the eye where the photoreceptors are. Photoreceptors are the cells in the retina that respond to light.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenThe purpose of the eye in the human body is to focus light into the retina. The retina is the area at the back of the eye where the photoreceptors are. Photoreceptors are the cells in the retina that respond to light.
These photoreceptors include rod cells and cone cells. As they are types of receptors, both rod and cone cells act as transducers since they convert light energy into the electrical energy of a nerve impulse.
We refer to receptors as transducers because they transduce (convert) energy from one form to another.
The human eye diagram below shows the location of the retina. It is a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye. The other structures in the eye are also important, but this article will focus mainly on the retina, where the photoreceptors are.
Fig. 1 - The anatomy of the eye
When light enters our eye and lands on the retina, the optic nerve sends electrical signals to the brain. The point where the optic nerve connects to the retina has no photoreceptors. This part of the eye is called the blind spot, as we cannot see anything here.
This table outlines the structure of some other important features of the eye. Understanding the function of these will help you understand how light enters and is focused in the eye before it reaches the retina. It will also help you understand where the electrical signals produced by the photoreceptors go.
Table 1. Features of the eye.
Structure | Function |
Pupil | The hole that light passes through to enter the eye. |
Iris | Controls the amount of light that enters the eye by opening and closing the pupil. |
Cornea | Clear, protective outer layer of the eye that also refracts (bends) light as it enters, helping to focus it. |
Lens | Located behind the iris. Changes shape to refract light rays onto the retina, helping to focus it. |
Optic nerve | A sensory nerve that carries nerve impulses from the receptors on the retina to the brain’s visual centres. |
Let’s check out the process of electrical impulse conversion in the retina.
This section will require previous knowledge about how action potentials work. For more information on this, check out our explanation on Action Potential.
A bipolar neurone is a neurone with two extensions attached to its cell body. One extension acts as an axon and one acts as a dendrite.
As mentioned above, the two types of photoreceptors we find in the eye are rod cells (rod-shaped) and cone cells (cone-shaped.)
Rods and cones have different pigments and different connections to bipolar neurones. This causes them to have different properties, as detailed below.
Rod cells are sensitive to light intensity. This means that they can detect light of very low intensity. Rod cells have this property because many of them are attached to a singular neurone. This property is called retinal convergence, and it allows for summation to occur.
Summation is the process where several electrical impulses can add together. Individually, they may be too weak to cause a response. But together, they have an increased chance of reaching the threshold potential, thereby creating a generator potential.
On the other hand, cone cells are less sensitive to light intensity because each of them is connected to its own separate bipolar cell. This means that summation cannot occur in cone cells. A generator potential will only occur if the stimulation of a singular cone cell is enough to reach the threshold.
Cone cells contain different types of pigment than those found in rod cells. The pigment in cone cells is called iodopsin. This pigment requires a higher light intensity to be broken down.
Our eyes have three different types of cone cells. Each one contains a specific type of iodopsin: green-sensitive, blue-sensitive, and red-sensitive. Each pigment is only sensitive to one colour because these colours all have a different set of specific wavelengths.
Rod cells, on the other hand, only contain one pigment called rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is not sensitive to colours because it is destroyed by bleaching on exposure to light. This is why rod cells only allow us to see in black and white.
‘Blue’ pigment is most sensitive to shorter wavelengths between 400–500nm. ‘Green’ pigment is most sensitive to mid-length wavelengths between 450–630nm. And ‘red’ pigment is most sensitive to longer wavelengths between 500–700nm. The diagram below shows the visible light spectrum. The numbers at the bottom represent the wavelength of the colour in nm (nanometres).
Fig. 2 - Wavelengths of absorption of cone cells
Visual acuity is the ability to tell apart points that are close together.
A high visual acuity means that you see a very detailed image, whilst a low visual acuity, means that you see fewer details as it's more difficult to tell apart points that are close together.
As discussed previously, many rod cells link to a single bipolar neurone. The consequence of this is that the light received by rod cells that share the same neurone will only generate one nervous impulse. This means that the brain doesn’t get separate information about two close points. Thus, the brain can’t tell apart the light from two points that are close together. As a result, rod cells give low visual acuity.
Cone cells, on the other hand, give high visual acuity. This is because cones are close together and each cone is connected to its own individual neurone. As a result, when light from two points hits two cones, each cone generates its own action potential. The brain, thus, receives two action potentials, which means that it has separate information about the two points. This allows us to distinguish between them.
The majority of cone cells are packed together in the area of the retina called the fovea. On the other hand, rod cells are mainly in the peripheral parts of the retina.
There are a lot more rod cells in the human eye than there are cone cells. We have around 120 million rod cells in one eye, versus around 6 million cone cells.
The retina is extremely important in allowing us to see. There are several disorders of the retina, which are collectively referred to as retinal diseases. Diabetic retinopathy, retinal tears, and retinal detachments are amongst the most common.
Having diabetes can damage tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the back of the eye due to high blood sugar levels. This causes them to leak fluid around and inside the retina. Fluid entering the retina will cause it to swell up, leading to blurred or distorted vision. If left untreated and undiagnosed, it can also cause blindness.
we have a colourless gel-like substance called the vitreous humour inside our eyes. This gel-like substance can shrink and cause tugging on the retina. If the tugging is strong enough, it may break the tissue. This is called a retinal tear. The symptoms tend to be sudden and include seeing floaters and flashing lights.
A retinal tear can deteriorate further to become a retinal detachment. This happens when fluid passes through a retinal tear, causing the retina to detach from the underlying tissue layers. It has similar symptoms to a retinal tear, and both conditions must be treated immediately with surgery.
This occurs when a colourless gel in the eye passes through a retinal tear, causing the retina to lift away and detach from the tissue layers that lie beneath it.
The retina allows us to see. It has photoreceptors called cone and rod cells, that, together with other structures in the eye, respond to light. These receptors send electrical signals via the optic nerve to the brain, allowing us to interpret what we see.
The retina is a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye.
120 million
The blind spot is the part of the eye where the optic nerve connects to the retina. There are no photoreceptors, so we cannot see anything there.
What are photoreceptors?
The cells in the retina that respond to light stimuli.
What are the two types of photoreceptors?
Rod cells and cone cells
Where is the retina located?
The retina is a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye.
Where are cone cells located in the eye?
They are packed together in the fovea region of the eye.
Where are rod cells located in the eye?
They are found mainly in the peripheral parts of the retina.
Why do we have a blind spot?
The point where the optic nerve connects to the retina has no photoreceptors. This part of the eye is called the blind spot, as we cannot see anything here.
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