Discover the concept of Retired Shares in the realm of Business Studies with this comprehensive guide. Gain a clear understanding of what Retired Shares mean, explore real-world examples, and observe how they differ from Treasury Shares. Delve into the process of retiring common shares and understand the financial accounting perspective of Retired Shares journal entry. This resource promises to provide invaluable insight into this key financial concept and bring your knowledge of Business Studies to a new level.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenDiscover the concept of Retired Shares in the realm of Business Studies with this comprehensive guide. Gain a clear understanding of what Retired Shares mean, explore real-world examples, and observe how they differ from Treasury Shares. Delve into the process of retiring common shares and understand the financial accounting perspective of Retired Shares journal entry. This resource promises to provide invaluable insight into this key financial concept and bring your knowledge of Business Studies to a new level.
In the world of finance and corporate action, the term "retired shares" refers to shares that have been bought back by the issuing corporation and permanently cancelled, henceforth being termed as retired shares.
Suppose a company ABC has 1000 shares outstanding, and it decides to buy back 200. These 200 shares are officially cancelled and can't be reissued. Hence, the total number of outstanding shares decreases to 800. These are now the retired shares of the company.
Some may do it to improve financial ratios, like earnings per share (EPS). By reducing the total number of shares, the EPS increases, hence portraying a healthier financial picture.
Others may retire shares to establish internal control or increase market share value.
Lastly, companies may repurchase and retire shares when they have excess cash and wish to return it to shareholders in an efficient way.
While treasury shares can be resold in the market, retired shares are permanently taken off the market. In other words, treasury shares still count as issued shares (and remain in a company's "inventory"), while retired shares reduce the total number of issued shares of a company. This distinction can significantly impact a company's balance sheet and financial ratios.
Company decides to buy back shares and sets aside the required amount from its reserves.
An open market operation is conducted for the repurchase of shares.
All repurchased shares are cancelled and officially marked as retired.
The balance sheet is adjusted to reflect the change in outstanding shares and reserve capital.
Strategic Decision Making: The management board decides to retire common shares either due to surplus cash, or to increase earnings per share, shareholder's equity or control. This decision relies heavily on the company's financial health and future outlook.
Financial Allocation: Once the board decides to retire shares, a specific amount from the company's reserves is allocated for buying back shares from the open market. This allocation depends on the current market price and the number of shares to retire.
Purchasing the Shares: The company then begins repurchasing its own shares from the open market through a broker. This operation requires compliance with regulatory bodies to ensure fair trading.
Retiring the Shares: After repurchase, the shares are cancelled from the issued share capital and cannot be reissued. They are termed as retired shares.
Balance Sheet Adjustment: Post-retirement, the company's balance sheet needs adjustment. The cash reserves decrease by the buyback amount, and the shareholders' equity is reduced by the number of shares retired.
Total shares before retirement | 50,000 |
Shares to retire | 5,000 |
Total shares after retirement | 45,000 |
Market price per share (£) | 10 |
Total buyback cost (£) | 50,000 |
Share Buyback: When a company decides to retire its shares, it first buys back these shares from the open market. This transaction is recorded as a reduction in the company's cash (in the assets section), and an increase in "Treasury Stock" (a contra equity account).
Share Retirement: After the shares are bought back, the actual retirement process takes place. Here, the "Treasury Stock" contra account is debited (reduced) and the "Common Stock" account in the equity section is also debited (reduced). Essentially, the retirement of shares reduces the company's total shareholders' equity.
Debit Treasury Stock, Credit Cash: The initial buyback of shares is recorded by debiting "Treasury Stock" (indicating the company now owns these shares) and crediting "Cash" (the company's cash reduces by the amount used to buy back the shares).
Debit Common Stock, Credit Treasury Stock: The retirement of shares is recorded by debiting the "Common Stock" account (indicating a reduction in issued shares) and crediting the "Treasury Stock" account.
Debit Treasury Stock £10,000 |
Credit Cash £10,000 |
Debit Common Stock £1,000 |
Credit Treasury Stock £1,000 |
What are retired shares?
Retired shares are specific shares that a company buys back from its shareholders and decides not to reissue. These shares lose their 'active status', meaning they no longer carry voting rights or the right to receive dividends.
What are the steps a company takes to retire its shares?
The process includes authorising a share buyback to purchase shares from the open market or shareholders, and then deciding to keep these shares as treasury shares or retire them. If the company retires these shares, they are cancelled and cannot be reissued. This process reduces the number of outstanding shares.
How can retiring shares benefit a company?
Retiring shares can boost the Earnings Per Share (EPS) by reducing the number of outstanding shares, improve the company's financial ratios to appear more attractive to investors, and signal the market about the management's confidence in the company's future performance.
What is the key difference between treasury shares and retired shares?
The key difference is that treasury shares can be reissued by the company while retired shares are permanently cancelled and cannot be reissued.
What happens to a share when it is retired?
When a share is retired, it is permanently cancelled, its voting rights and dividend entitlements are forfeited, and it reduces the overall equity count of the company.
What's the role of treasury shares in a company's financial management?
Treasury shares provide financial flexibility by offering a way to raise funds, maintain market equilibrium, and give employee rewards through stock option plans.
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