Have you ever struggled with delivering your ideas to others? Have you ever wondered whether your colleagues truly understood your presented project in the last team meeting? If the answer is yes, understanding some of the typical types of communication can help you nail it next time!
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenHave you ever struggled with delivering your ideas to others? Have you ever wondered whether your colleagues truly understood your presented project in the last team meeting? If the answer is yes, understanding some of the typical types of communication can help you nail it next time!
Within organizational communication, there are various types of communication strategies, among which the three most popular ones are verbal communication, written communication, and non-verbal communication.
As each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, a proper understanding of different types of communication can help you determine whether you should write (written communication), speak (verbal communication), or read (non-verbal communication) to communicate specific situations with your target audience.
Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow.1
- Lawrence Clark Powell
Fig. 1 - Diverse types of communication
Verbal communication, also known as oral communication, implies using words to speak as a primary means of communication.
Can you spot verbal communication in your everyday life?
Group discussions, simulated debates at universities, one-on-one feedback, or class training sessions at work mainly utilize verbal communication.
Essentially, verbal communication optimizes discussing processes in most cases, as people can directly and continuously participate in the flow of communication. Thus, participants can mutually communicate feedback and exchange information on the spot.
Further, as verbal communication often leaves room for small talk about trivial matters among participants, it opens the possibility of social exchange and interpersonal relationship development.
However, verbal communication can lead to unwanted rumors and information distortion, as a sentence may have two or multiple meanings for different people.
For example, when comparing a one-on-one feedback session and a written feedback email, while evaluators and employees can directly discuss back and forth within a session, it may take days or weeks to read and reply to emails. Thereby, it is apparent that verbal communication in the form of a one-on-one feedback session saves more time and effort!
This concept is very familiar to all of us. However, meetings remain the most popular means of verbal communication across different contexts.
A business meeting is a gathering of two or more individuals to make decisions or discuss business matters.
Nowadays, meetings are no longer confined to traditional places such as offices or rigid meeting rooms. Instead, they have become more creative and flexible in form and structure, including online meetings via innovative virtual platforms such as GatherTown or Zoom and outdoor business meetings at local coffee shops or co-working spaces.
The magic of a great meeting is all of the work that's done beforehand.2
- Bill Russell
As the business world transcends any national border to reach the stage of globalization, videoconferencing provides a solution to communicate across different locations.
Nowadays, there are various popular virtual conference platforms such as Zoom, vFairs, Eventzilla, etc. Such platforms facilitate communication with integrated features, including screen sharing, poll creation, group division, or breakout rooms.
What are the disadvantages of videoconferencing?
When it comes to videoconferencing, participants may find technological issues troublesome. For example, you need a stable Internet connection and strong computer hardware to experience a smooth all-day video conference. Further, videoconferencing is often subjected to low engagement rates as participants refuse to turn on their cameras or are too shy to unmute their voices to join the discussion.
Fig. 2 - Videoconferencing is increasingly popular
As popular as verbal communication, written communication is also a dominating means of communication.
Written communication includes any method that conveys written words or symbols.
From a practical perspective, you can find written communication integrated into business communication tools such as emails, PowerPoint, letters, publications, or company blogs. Let's look through some typical forms of written communication at the workplace.
What comes to mind when you think about 'letters' at work?
Nowadays, most companies require applicants to submit their cover letters, which require written communication skills. Besides, companies also utilize letters to represent an official document, such as new rules or promoted positions. Whether handwriting or typing letters, they convey a more personal touch and formal expression toward recipients.
Currently, we can notice people presenting in almost every aspect of a business. While the traditional Microsoft PowerPoint remains popular, emerging platforms also help communicators design more aesthetic and interactive slides by integrating features such as designed vectors, graphics, or QR codes.
What are the new platforms for creating presentations?
Nowadays, platforms such as Prezi or Canva are popular among communicators, providing them with aesthetically designed templates, a rich font library, and unlimited images.
Within business contexts, email is one of the most formal ways of communication.
Email has an ability many channels don't: creating valuable, personal touches - at scales.3
- David Newman
Accordingly, email enhances the scalability of a business in delivering valuable and personal communication messages to mass audiences.
For example, email marketing is a popular concept in which marketers send mass emails to customers regarding topics such as new product launches or seasonal promotions. Internally, companies may use email to circulate recent changes in the company's legislation or to introduce new team members to all staff.
Yet, email communication can prove costly when companies decide to automate their emails to gain more insights from them. Large companies such as BuzzFeed or Mumsnet have heavily invested in their email marketing automation to precisely send celebrating messages to customers during meaningful days.4
Indeed, non-verbal communication exists in both verbal communication and written communication. Every unspoken message is a form of non-verbal communication. For example, our writing tone and word choices reflect our non-verbal communication within written email communication.
Body language is one of the most popular non-verbal pieces of evidence in verbal communication. By watching individuals' body language, we can understand their current feelings and attitudes.
What does body language in a meeting mean?
If you are talking about your ideas and some participants nod their heads regularly, they agree with you. Or if someone is leaning forwards when hearing your sales pitch, they may feel interested in your presentation!
Besides, facial expressions are also critical non-verbal messages. We can tell much about an individual's feeling judging from their expressions. In a videoconference, the participant might be distracted by something else if you notice an indifferent face with ambiguous eyes. Likewise, if you see someone's frown on their face, they must be experiencing displeasure or even anger.
How about written communication?
Email tone, style, and word choice can convey various meaning. For example, in email marketing, marketers often use a friendly tone and sales language to spur customers' intentions to make specific purchases. In other cases, when companies generate emails to their employees regarding news updates, the style and tone remain formal and informative to reflect professionalism.
Regarding workplaces, besides different types of communication, people are also concerned about the diverse types of communication styles, communication processes, and communication barriers. Let's have a look at the generalization of each concept together!
Generally, there are four communication styles: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive.5
Each style has its strengths and weaknesses. Thus, communicators must carefully select the most appropriate styles for different purposes. For instance, while an assertive communication style can help create a respectful environment and build long-term relationships, passive or aggressive styles are more suitable in case of team conflicts or urgent matters.5
When should you be aggressive in communication?
As its name suggests, an aggressive communication style can suit situations where you need to fight for your rights or benefits. For example, you are in a simulated debate, during which your class is divided into two sides. Thus, you may have to voice against opponents at some points aggressively.
The communication process facilitates the steps during which we can execute different types of communication. Effective communication requires a well-planned communication process that clearly defines the desired message and how to transfer them from senders to recipients.
Generally, there are eight main elements of a communication process, which are (1) the sender, (2) encoding, (3) the message, (4) the channel, (5) decoding, (6) the receiver, (7) noise, and (8) feedback.
Do you want to dive deeper into the concept of the communication process?
Let's check out our explanation of the Communication Process!
Various barriers hinder the effectiveness of different types of communication in workplaces.
Prominently, cultural factors, which can result in misunderstanding or personal offenses, represent a considerable obstacle to effective communication. Further, factors stemming from actors in the communication process, such as selective perception or communication apprehension, can also form a barrier against effective communication.
Let's quench your thirst for this topic in our explanation of Communication Barriers.
As there are various types of communication in modern workplaces, communicators should carefully select and appropriately implement them to suit their communicating purposes and match their targeted audiences. Be it verbal, non-verbal, or written communication, it costs enormous effort and practice to become persuasive and productive communicators!
There are various types of communication, among which the three most popular types are verbal communication, written communication, and non-verbal communication.
The three most popular types of communication are verbal, written, and non-verbal.
The three most popular types are verbal communication, written communication, and non-verbal communication.
There is no best way to communicate in the workplace. Communication type depends on the situation and urgency of communication.
Generally, there are eight main parts of a communication process, which are (1) the sender, (2) encoding, (3) the message, (4) the channel, (5) decoding, (6) the receiver, (7) noise, and (8) feedback.
Fill in the Blank:
The three most popular types are verbal communication, written communication, and ____ communication.
Which is not a form of written communication?
Fill in the Blank:
'Write to be ____, speak to be ____, read to ____' -Lawrence Clark Powell
Understood, heard, grow.
Are simulated debates at universities examples of verbal communication?
Compared to email exchange, is verbal communication more time-saving?
Which of the following are forms of written communication?
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