There are several building blocks that are essential for writing any story. Without these elements, a story simply cannot be written. These elements include character, setting, point of view, style, theme, tone and the one this article is focusing on today - plot. The plot is perhaps the foundational element of a story, one that the other elements rely on for meaning and purpose. No matter what genre or style you are writing in, there must be a plot for the story to exist. Furthermore, if the plot of your story is not good, even good characterisation, setting, theme and point of view will fail to immerse your readers.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenThere are several building blocks that are essential for writing any story. Without these elements, a story simply cannot be written. These elements include character, setting, point of view, style, theme, tone and the one this article is focusing on today - plot. The plot is perhaps the foundational element of a story, one that the other elements rely on for meaning and purpose. No matter what genre or style you are writing in, there must be a plot for the story to exist. Furthermore, if the plot of your story is not good, even good characterisation, setting, theme and point of view will fail to immerse your readers.
So let's investigate the nuts and bolts of crafting a good ‘plot’- its meaning, types, structure and examples in literature - to better understand how this element is crucial to the storytelling process.
The plot of a story is the chain of events that occur from beginning to end. So while characters are the ‘who’ of the story, the plot is the ‘what’ - ‘what’ exactly is happening in the story and sometimes even 'how’ it is happening. It can be the entire physical or emotional journey of the main character(s), which begins with a moment of internal or external conflict followed by some action that leads up to a climax and resolution.
However, the individual events that make up the plot of a story are not isolated but are actually interconnected to each other. This means they have a cause-and-effect relationship, where one event in the story influences the next. Hence, when the main character is presented with a challenging situation, the effect this situation has on them causes them to make a decision, which in turn leads to another event that is an effect of their decision. This chain reaction is what propels the plot of a story.
A plot is also a narrative of events, the emphasis falling on causality. 'The king died and then the queen died,' is a story. 'The king died, and then the queen died of grief' is a plot. The time sequence is preserved, but the sense of causality overshadows it.1
What if we see all the events that make up a plot as individual puzzle pieces? Now, we need to arrange these puzzle pieces in their proper place to see the full picture. Similarly, all the events that make up a plot must be presented to the reader in a sequence that is logical, to aid their understanding of the story. This is the plot structure.
Plot structure: The order in which the writer organises the main events that make up the story's plot.
Aristotle was the first to formulate the three-act structure in his book Poetics (c. 335 BCE) after analysing the sequence of events in a dramatic tragedy. According to Aristotle, every play or poem should have a setup, confrontation and resolution, otherwise simply stated as the beginning, middle and end.2
A beginning is that which is not itself necessarily after anything else, and which has naturally something else after it. An end is that which is naturally after something itself, either as its necessary or usual consequent, and with nothing else after it. And a middle, that which is by nature after one thing and has also another after it.
- Aristotle, Poetics (c. 335 BCE)
Setup or beginning
This part introduces the protagonist and the dramatic question, or the conflict in the protagonist’s life. Its main objective is to grab the reader’s attention while also setting the scene for the story to make sense.
This part consists of the main action of the story. These could be the various obstacles the protagonist must overcome in order to complete their journey. There may be various subplots within this part of the story which all must interconnect before moving on to the resolution.
This is where the dramatic question is answered and the tension of the story slowly subsides.
German novelist Gustav Freytag added to Aristotle’s three-act structure to create a five-act structure with five different plot points that every story must go through. This structure is knowns as the Freytag’s Pyramid.3
Fig. 1 - Freytag's Pyramid Structure
This is where the readers are introduced to any relevant information about the main character(s), such as their personality traits, backstory and their relationship with other characters. The setting (place and time) where the story will take place is also established alongside any other contextual or background information necessary for the understanding of the story. This is where we establish the ‘normal’ lives of our main characters.
This is also where the dramatic question or central conflict of the story is planted.
This is characterised by the occurrence of an inciting incident. The inciting incident is a turning point where some sort of extraordinary complication that does not occur in the ‘normal’ life of our main character happens. The inciting incident sets our story into motion.
This inciting incident triggers a chain of events where the main characters(s) are forced into challenging situations where they must overcome mental or physical obstacles. The reader also realises the consequences of failing to overcome these obstacles for the main character, a realisation that leads to a build-up of tension and anticipation within the readers.
This is the big moment! All the challenging situations and obstacles that our protagonist overcomes lead up to the climax, where the protagonist comes face to face with the central conflict of the story. Hence, this is where the tension and conflict reach their peak in the story and push the readers to the edge. This is everything that the readers have been waiting for, and everything that the writer has been promising.
This is where the protagonist makes a major decision that seals their fate and solidifies the direction the story’s ending is going to take - whether it is going to be a happy ending or a tragic one.
This bridges the gap between the climax and the resolution where the protagonist begins to experience the consequences of the climax and the character’s actions. This stage is characterised by a rapid decline in tension and drama, as we move towards the resolution.
This is also the writer’s opportunity to tie up any loose ends and conclude any subplots or minor conflicts.
This is the official end to the protagonist's journey, where they have reached their destination by answering the dramatic question and ending the central conflict of the story. The final fate of our characters is revealed and a new sense of ‘normal’ is established. Some stories may contain information about the futures of our characters. This is the happy (or tragic) ending of the story.
Now we will apply Freytag's Pyramid to explain the plot structure of the famous movie Titanic (1997):
Most stories have a linear plot, where the events taking place in a story are arranged chronologically as per Freytag’s suggested pyramid structure. However, there are many different types of plot structures that are non-linear and don't follow the chronological sequence suggested by Freytag's Pyramid. Flashback plots begin their story from any event in the story, so a writer may choose to begin from the last scene or the climax, and then move their way back from there. Writers may even decide to run two or more plotlines that share a similar theme simultaneously, in a parallel plot type. There even exists a circular plot, which ends right where the story started, with the resolution replicating the scene, setting and characters found in the exposition.
Check out StudySmarter's article on narrative structure. It explores many other attempts at classifying the types of plot structure in depth.
While plots can be extremely creative and unique from one another, Christopher Booker, an English journalist and author, identified seven basic types of plotlines that most literature seems to fall under. 4
The main character has flaws, but they are not deeply rooted and are mostly lighthearted and humorous. Humour is at the heart of comedic plots. The rising action in comedies is usually characterised by confusing and chaotic events that are resolved in one moment, after which everything returns to order and the ending is a happy one.
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1605) is one early example of a famous comedy written by William Shakespeare.
In a tragedy, the main character is mostly likeable, respectable and moral, and placed in a favourable position in society. However, they possess one very obvious flaw that becomes the cause of their downfall. Tragedies are characterised by an extreme reversal of fate, usually leading to a tragic ending where the protagonist dies.
Romeo and Juliet (1592) by William Shakespeare is one of the most popular tragic plays ever written, featuring the star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet, who both die as a result of their feuding families.
Fig. 2 - Romeo and Juliet
This is when a morally bad character undergoes a series of events that cause a drastic change in the character’s formerly negative perspective, transforming them from bad to good. In the end, the character earns redemption and is rewarded with a happy ending. This type of plot frequently features anti-heroes.
The beast in the classic fairytale 'Beauty and the Beast' (1740) by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve is an example of a character who undergoes 'rebirth' throughout the course of the story, where he meets Beauty and his love for her turns him into a redeemable character.
Fig. 3 - From the illustrated children's book Beauty and the Beast (1874) by Walter Crane.
Again, this is another plot type where the main character’s fortune turns from bad to good. The character starts off as downtrodden and impoverished, yet is a likeable and moral character. This causes the readers to root for their success. Over the course of the story, the protagonist comes very close to achieving what they have always wanted. However, during the climax, they usually face a moral conflict during which they consider sacrificing all their dreams. But in the end, by choosing the right path, the character finally ends up receiving the success and happiness that they have always deserved.
The famous fairytale 'Cinderella' (the French version by Charles Perrault was published in 1697) is about an orphan girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters until the prince falls in love with her. She marries him to become a princess.
This is a classic good versus evil plot where the protagonist(s) is good and cares about the welfare of society, while the antagonist is an evil force that is threatening society or the protagonists' loved ones. There is usually an epic battle which serves as the point of climax. However, the ‘monster’ is ultimately defeated and the hero emerged victorious.
The famous Harry Potter series (1997-2007) is all about Harry, an orphan boy, and his friends Ron and Hermoine, who fight his archenemy Voldemort across each of the seven novels written by J.K. Rowling.
The protagonist, usually aided by a group of friends, sets out on a journey to complete a specific task. The hero and his team usually face numerous challenges along the way. Oftentimes, the final challenge that results in the completion of the task (or the answering of the dramatic question) must be overcome by the hero alone.
In The Hobbit (1937), the protagonist Bilbo Baggins is forced to go on a dangerous quest to find a treasure in a fictional world created by J. R. R. Tolkien.
This plot type is very similar to the quest, where the protagonist and their friends set out on a journey where they face numerous challenges. However, in this case, the journey has no predetermined aim or task that the protagonist is aware of. Usually, it is just an unexpected adventure that leads to the protagonist returning back wiser and happier.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) Lewis Carroll is a story about how Alice accidentally falls down a rabbit hole, which takes her to the mind-bending fantastical world of Wonderland where she realises her true destiny.
Fig. 4 - A 1915 picturisation of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
To help exemplify everything this article has discussed, here are examples of literary works analysed for plot structure and type.
The Great Gatsby is a tragedy tracing the life of Jay Gatsby, an ambitious self-made businessman who ascended the social classes by chasing the American Dream. However, his tragic flaw is his blind pursuit of Daisy Buchanan, a love story that he was forced to forgo in the past due to the differences in their societal classes. However, Gatsby's obsession with recapturing his past romance with Daisy leads him to blind himself to the reality that Daisy is no longer the same woman he fell in love with. Daisy's love for her 'old-money' social status triumphs over her love for Gatsby, who suffers a violent death at the end of the novel in an attempt to save Daisy's life.
The plot of a story is an interconnected chain of events that occur throughout the story, from beginning to end.
The seven types of plot, as identified by Christopher Booker, are as follows:
The three stages of a plot, according to Aristotle's Poetics, are setup, confrontation and resolution, otherwise simply stated as beginning, middle and end.
The stages of a plot, as per Freytag's Pyramid are Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution.
The plot structure is the order in which a writer organises the main events that make up the story's plot.
Define 'plot' in literature
The plot of a story is an interconnected chain of events that occur throughout the story, from beginning to end.
What is plot structure?
The plot structure is the order in which a writer organises the main events that make up the story's plot.
What are the stages of Aristotle's Three-Act Plot Structure?
The stages of Aristotle's Three-Act Plot Structure are Beginning, Middle and End.
What are the plot points in Freytag's Pyramid?
The plot points in Freytag's Pyramid are as follows:
What are the different types of plots?
What type of plot does The Hobbit (1937) fall under?
The Hobbit (1937) is an example of 'Quest' because he protagonist Bilbo Baggins is forced to go on a dangerous quest to find a treasure.
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