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Have you ever walked past an old car and been engulfed by black smoke? This is a type of pollution. Cars spew pollutants from their exhaust pipes, burning coal to create electricity pollutes the air, while industries and homes generate garbage and sewage that can pollute the land and water. Pesticides, which are a form of chemical poison used to kill weeds and insects —seep into waterways and harm wildlife. These are just some of the sources of pollution, which cause 40% of deaths worldwide! Today we shall cover the various types of pollution and their impacts on humans, ecosystems, and the environment.
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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenHave you ever walked past an old car and been engulfed by black smoke? This is a type of pollution. Cars spew pollutants from their exhaust pipes, burning coal to create electricity pollutes the air, while industries and homes generate garbage and sewage that can pollute the land and water. Pesticides, which are a form of chemical poison used to kill weeds and insects —seep into waterways and harm wildlife. These are just some of the sources of pollution, which cause 40% of deaths worldwide! Today we shall cover the various types of pollution and their impacts on humans, ecosystems, and the environment.
Pollution is mainly associated with gaseous by-products and chemical waste but should Also be considered in a broader sense.
Pollution is any change to an environmental variable away from the norm.
This can be chemical substances (such as gaseous by-products, agricultural waste, metal particulates) or other forms of environmental change (such as noise, temperature increases, light intensities. Plants and animals are often specifically adapted to their environmental surroundings, so even small changes to their habitat can have severe implications for entire ecosystems.
Point source nutrient pollution refers to pollution that can be attributed to a certain point and is easily quantifiable.
Non-point source nutrient pollution concerns pollution from a general area, making it more difficult to pinpoint where it originates.
Here are the types we are going to cover today, these are:
Air pollution involves the release of gaseous molecules and particulates that alter the composition of the atmosphere. Air pollution is can be directly harmful to humans, plants, and animals, but also indirectly by contributing to the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect involves greenhouse gases reflecting infrared radiation re-emitted from the Earth's surface.
Here are the causes of air pollution:
When soot is visible in the air it often means carbon monoxide is present to. Carbon monoxide is a very dangerous gas that causes respiratory problems
Here are the resulting effects of air pollution:
Examples of ecosystem dynamics are predator-prey relationships, competition, and symbioses.
Water pollution concerns the runoff or diffusion of chemicals or wastes into oceans, rivers, and other watercourses. Pollution of water is very dangerous because aquatic ecosystems require certain conditions and will be affected by small changes in chemical concentrations.
Let's have a look at the causes of water pollution:
Leaching involves the runoff of the contents of soils into nearby watercourses.
Agricultural fertilisers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. When these nutrients leach into nearby waters they can cause the rapid overgrowth of algae and eutrophication.
Here are some of the alarming effects of water pollution:
Eutrophication is the suffocation of oxygen in water. This can occur by an influx of nutrients causing producer populations to increase rapidly and from 'algal blooms'. These algal blooms will block sunlight from penetrating to the depths and decomposition of the algae (by aerobic bacteria) will suck up any oxygen available.
Anoxia simply means the absence of oxygen. Aerobic organisms will be unable to survive in these conditions.
Ocean acidification occurs when carbon dioxide diffuses into the ocean and reacts with carbonates. This will reduce the carbonate availability for calcifying organisms like coral polyps, sea urchins, and foraminifera. These species often provide services for ecosystems, this could be as a food resource or structural integrity in the case of corals.
Soil pollution is the contamination of soils by the addition of chemicals or physical disruption. This type of pollution is a huge concern in agriculture, as pollution of soils can cause infertility and inhibit crop growth.
So what are the causes of soil pollution?
Percolation of contaminated waters is the process by which chemicals pollute soils.
Here are the effects of soil pollution:
Let's go over some other types of pollution which can be just as problematic for humans and the environment.
Noise pollution is the increase in amount of noise in an area away from the norm. This can stem from a variety of things and can be extremely annoying for people and stressful for animals. Booming speakers, revving vehicles, and heavy machinery all make huge amounts of noise. Elderly people will be particularly susceptible to ear damage and headaches, while nearby civilians may struggle with sleep. Ecosystems can be affected by noise as well; a consistent new source of noise can force certain species to migrate to quieter regions.
Light pollution involves any abnormal brightening of the sky by artificial lighting. Additional light is a problem in highly developed cities and can have polluting effects on the whole planet. Light pollution can cause eye damage to humans and some animals may become confused by changing light intensities in the sky. Ecosystems near large cities may struggle to distinguish between daylight and night, while some birds depend on the moon and star constellations for migration, which will be impaired by more light.
Heat pollution coincides with air pollution, as the release of greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) causes global temperatures to rise. Increasing temperatures are leading to climate change all over the world, with many habitats being fragmented and destroyed by wildfires, rising sea levels, and melting ice sheets.
Heat pollution can also stem from 'cooling water' from power plants being released into waters (this cooling water is much warmer than the body of water). Organisms become stressed in warmer conditions and water is unable to hold as much oxygen. In highly developed areas, waste heat from large buildings can become trapped in urban areas and create microclimates, which will impact any wildlife and human populations in this area.
Microclimates are localised areas with climatic conditions that are different from the surrounding region.
The release of dangerous chemicals or particulates that change the composition of the air.
The addition of polluting chemicals into the soil by runoff or infiltration.
Pollution is the addition of unwanted chemicals, substances, or energy to the environment.
Release of polluting gases like carbon dioxide, methane, sulphur dioxide, or nitrous dioxide, or the release of particulates like metals, soot, and aerosols.
The increase in the amount of sound energy released into an area away from the norm.
What is pollution?
Pollution is the change of an environmental condition away from the norm.
What are some examples of pollution?
Air, water, soil, noise, and light.
What is air pollution?
The addition of gaseous molecules or particulates that alter the composition of air.
How is air pollution caused?
Fossil fuel combustion, industrial by-products, and particulates released from vehicles.
What are the impacts of air pollution on humans?
Potential respiratory problems, cardiovascular problems, and genetic mutations.
What are the impacts of air pollution on the environment?
Greenhouse gases cause global warming, while acid rain (nitrous oxides and sulphur dioxide) destroys habitats.
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